KB00090 - The Stickies Windows-s shortcut doesn't work on Windows 10
It launches Cortana
Under Windows 10, Microsoft have taken back the Windows-s global keyboard shortcut. Now it launches Cortana instead of creating a new sticky.
To prevent Cortana from receiving the shortcut, you'll need to edit the registry. Create the following string value:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "DisabledHotkeys"="S"
Then log out and back into Windows, and Windows-s will no longer launch Cortana, therefore giving Stickies a chance to receive the keypress again. You can download a registry file which contains the above code here:
Additionally, OneNote can take over the shortcut key combination. To disable that application's use of the shortcut, disable the notification area icon, and you'll no longer take a screen clipping when you use it.